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Guest Coco-Asaki

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Guest Coco-Asaki

With the continuous update on BC. Game, we release the new version of Medals.

We made adjustments for enable players have better platform experiences and reward experiences. 

You can see all updated Medals at: 


Also can check the more strategies on




As we are concerned of your opinions, in order to improve future updates of the medal,

we hope to take the your opinions in the future improvement.

We are glad to let you even overturn all the current Medals!

The most exciting is:

🥳Any player whose idea is taken will be rewarded with amazing SHITLINKS !!!🥳

                                                      For Medal improvement:

                                                      - You can create a new Medals 

                                                      - You can give suggestions on the current Medals

                                                      - You can even make a new Medal system


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1. (new medal) i thing, we need a medal for aktivest members in forum.

2. (suggestion) the Fearless One medal is pointless. if i lose today 100k $, wich one of members have 100k in wallet?? most of people won't even deserve it in their entire lives! so how this players can have a chance to get one of them?? you can insert a period of 1 or 1/2 year...what ever.

that from my side...at first

need a bit more time to think 😉

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Guest Coco-Asaki


The strategies to obtain the Medals:


There are 20 total medals and 4 rewards to claim:

5 Medals: 3000 DOGE

10 Medals: 1 ETH + 10,000 DOGE

15 Medals: 0.1 BTC + 2 ETH + 50,000 DOGE

20 Medals: 1 BTC + 10 ETH + 100,000 DOGE


                                                             Let’s see how to obtain these 20 medals:

Talkative: This medal can be obtained by chatting frequently in any of the chatrooms. It requires at least 3-7 days of active chat (players need to talk every few minutes in a day) and it is rewarded only once a day which means only 1 player can get it in a day.

Fearless One: This medal is rewarded when a player lose approximately 5 BTC worth of coins in a single day.

The Local King: This medal can be obtained if player have the highest wallet balance ever in history on BC.Game except vault balance. 

Highest Contribution: This medal awards the player with highest wager ever in the history of BC.Game. 

The Top Gun: This medal can be obtained by reaching the highest VIP level which means unlock SVIP 33.

The Rain Master: This medal can be obtained by receiving rains for 99 times.

COCO Lover: This medal can be obtained by hitting coco (the COCO-spider appears every 6 hours) for 200 times in total.

Invincible Lucky Dog: This medal rewards the players who win 99000x or higher payout in any game. 

Contest Master: This medal can be obtained by staying at the Top 3 ranks in the monthly contest for three consecutive months. 

Roll King: This medal can be obtained by getting the maximum number of points on the Roll Competition in any day. 

The Rain Stormer: The metal can be obtained when player send the rain reaches 100 USD in total.

Chicken Dinner: This metal can be obtained as players’ profit reach 1000 USD without a loss. 

Loyal Player: This medal needs you to make 10 million bets on any of the games (Tips: betting on lowest multiplier in around 5-6 days on      Hash Dice is not hard to make it ).

Call Me “Richman”: This medal is rewarded when players’ wager reach $1 million in total.

The Old-Timer: This metal is rewarded to the players who complete one year on the BC.Game site.

Boss: This medal can be obtained by tipping 99 different people in any chat rooms (Not 99 tips but 99 tips for 99 different users).

BTC Top 1: This medal is rewarded when you reach number 1 ranking of profits on BTC coin (Current record holder won 20.05 BTC).

EOS Top 1: This medal is rewarded when you reach number 1 ranking of profits on EOS coin (Current record holder won 5776.2464 EOS).

ETH Top 1: This medal is rewarded when you reach number 1 ranking of profits on ETH coin (Current record holder won 263.0463 ETH).

DOGE Top 1: This medal is rewarded when you reach number 1 ranking of profits on DOGE coin (Current record holder won 23433146.8280 Doge).

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Beginners/He Shoots he Scores!: Start out with the lowest amount of any Crypto and bring it all the way up to 1.0 on the Crash game.

Advanced/He Shoots he Scores!: Do the same with all the different Crypto Coins.

Friend of All: In the forums in the thread introduce yourself say hi nice to meet you and send a friend request to everyone that has started a sub-thread introducing themselves.

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Make the slider on the medals (Chicken Dinner, Call Me “Richman”, The Old-Timer) as on the others so that you can see how much is left.

Сделать ползунок на медалях (Chicken Dinner , Call Me “Richman” , The Old-Timer) как на других чтобы было видно сколько осталось.


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  On 1/6/2021 at 7:36 AM, wavybecca said:


I received rains for more than 99 times but still no medal. How can I claim it ?


ive had the same issue, for a while now ive had the required rains caught. still hasnt reflected it though... 


that being said, im glad i saw this thread just now.. though, im a little late...

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